Friday, January 28, 2011

Beach Walk For A Happy, Healthy Life

Funnily enough, despite of all the sophisticated leisure activities open so many of us, some of the most delightful pursuits are some of the most sophisticated.  There is very little, for instance, to match a walk along the beach.  This activity provides opportunities for a healthy pursuit, a tension-relieving activity, and fun time for families especially for kids, and sometimes a peaceable and romantic interlude for couples to enjoy.

Beachcombing is very relaxing activity that helps to relieve tension and offers a chance to invigorate one’s self.  For example, I was once having a difficult time regarding my job.  During one of the stressful days, I felt I had enough and did not want proceeding anymore. With a sudden urge, I took a plastic bag and drove to a nearby beach for a much needed walk.  During that relaxing walk, I found a delicate-looking shell, which later I learned was called paper nautilus – not a shell at all, but a discarded egg case.  In addition, I got some cone shells, speckled cowries and a lot more.  It was interesting to know that some of the beaches has million of shells so colorful the easily catch one’s attention.  At the end of my walk, I had new energy and enthusiasm to continue working, not to mention a bagful of colorful shells.  Some glass jar filled with shells I collected always seems to add something extra in a corner of my house, my centerpiece, and even the bathroom.

Taking a walk along the beach also provides an inexpensive yet effective exercise.  Walking along the sands strengthens the muscles and the bones, and the sea breeze is good for the lungs.  The warm sands along the beach can even cure some foot ailments.  For instance, one of my friend’s moms had always complained pain in her calf.  We all knew that the pain is caused by rheumatism due to her age and her eating habits as well.  I coaxed her to try to walk along the beach especially during the morning.  After two weeks of exercise, she had reported marked lessening of the pain in her calf, and she even found new friends from her daily walks!  She now had made walking along the beach as her favorite pastime.  She particularly enjoys seeing kids making sand castles along the coast, while their parents are just nearby relaxing and enjoying the sun.

However, some care has also to be taken when walking along the beach.  Heavier seas wash up all sorts of debris, although it is saddening to know that much of them are of human origin.  It is not uncommon to find often times empty cans or bottles littering the coastline, or plastic bags washed ashore, and a host of others that dot the beach.  Sometimes, there are dangers that lurk beneath the mound of sands, dangers that are made unfortunately by mankind.  For example, one day during my walk, I saw a sparkling shell half buried in the sand.  When I excitedly dig the sand, I suddenly felt a shooting pain in one of my fingers, which followed by some drops of blood.  It was saddening that a broken glass cut my finger, but it seems more frightening to think that the incident could happen to the little ones playing in the sand.

Truly, wandering along the coastline looking for signs of its passing is a thoroughly enjoyable and healthy activity.  However, everyone should do his share in trying to combat polluting our seas and beaches, so that we will continue to enjoy the benefits of walking along the coastlines safely and happily.

J.V. Alvero  (ENGL1301 TJC-Summer 2000)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the aftermath of the snowstorm..

Earlier this morning,  I was weak and my brain still cracking like you had a bad trip or the same feeling during college of  having seen your gf flirting with someone else  :-))
I was forced to come along with my eldest son to find his car. It was towed yesterday during the snowstorm in Brookline while parked in the street while he was on duty..The poor kid tried to save some parking money but did not get away with those towing maniacs to get big bucks...I really mean BIG BUCKS during those times. 
(all shots were taken inside the car showing it's windshield's tint)

 above is the mountain top of soldier's graveyard

 Boston's Backbay area 15 miles away

 was waiting for quite sometime for a signal to turn left in Brookline but ......

 this car survived after being excavated

finally arrived at the towing yard but had to shell out $190

Saturday, January 8, 2011

from above the globe!

While the other side of the globe is in a picturesque weather, here is what the best I could get today. A tanker just unloaded his fuel cargo in my backyard.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Things to do before the year ends!

After the blizzard, it seems that the weather forecast for this week is a little incoming snowstorm. So, me and my youngest son decided to go out to have some excitement. Not far away from where we lived is a hilly baseball and football field which is good enough to do snow sliding, with a snowboogie in tow and bouting with a flu~ most insane people like me will go........

Noel will not enjoy without meeting with some girls older than him.....